Peraza Lope et al. 2006: Table 1

Bibliographic reference Bibliographic reference

@misc{Peraza Lope et al. 2006: Table 1,
{"bibtex_key":"Peraza Lope et al. 2006: Table 1","bibtex_type":"misc"}
:bibtex_key: 'Peraza Lope et al. 2006: Table 1'
:bibtex_type: :misc

Citing records

There are 38 records in XRONOS that cite this reference.

Site Sites (1)

radiocarbon date Radiocarbon dates (36)

Site Lab ID Context Material Taxon Method Uncalibrated age Calibrated age References
Mayapan A-12788 Q-152 midden NA NA 655±40 BP Peraza Lope et al. 2006: Table 1
Mayapan A-13862 Carbon over floor of passageway of Y-45a room 2, with smashed pottery NA NA 655±30 BP Peraza Lope et al. 2006: Table 1
Mayapan A-12783 Q-84 burial cist round platform NA NA 650±100 BP Peraza Lope et al. 2006: Table 1
Mayapan A-12794 Q-83 temple NA NA 650±40 BP Peraza Lope et al. 2006: Table 1
Mayapan A-12790 Q-151 TR group hall NA NA 615±45 BP Peraza Lope et al. 2006: Table 1
Mayapan A-12779 Q-214 round temple NA NA 595±40 BP Peraza Lope et al. 2006: Table 1
Mayapan A-12789 Q-152 TR floor at base NA NA 585±40 BP Peraza Lope et al. 2006: Table 1
Mayapan A-64973 Milpa 7 RS-38, Lot 2207 Lev 6, Burial 03-06 NA NA 570±46 BP Peraza Lope et al. 2006: Table 1
Mayapan A-12800 Q-88a hall NA NA 565±40 BP Peraza Lope et al. 2006: Table 1
Mayapan A-12797 Q-88/88a/87 TR group NA NA 520±60 BP Peraza Lope et al. 2006: Table 1
Mayapan A-13861 Carbon MEMS pit in lime production feature Pozo 152 Level 2 Lot 1774 NA NA 430±110 BP Peraza Lope et al. 2006: Table 1
Mayapan A-12776 Q-59a burial cist shrine NA NA 425±45 BP Peraza Lope et al. 2006: Table 1
Mayapan A-12786 Q-95 temple NA NA 365±45 BP Peraza Lope et al. 2006: Table 1
Mayapan A-12801 Q-152 alley behind Temblo Redondo NA NA 280±30 BP Peraza Lope et al. 2006: Table 1
Mayapan A-12796 Q-87a TR group hall NA NA 170±40 BP Peraza Lope et al. 2006: Table 1
Mayapan A-12792 Q-83 temple NA NA 150±35 BP Peraza Lope et al. 2006: Table 1


Record created in XRONOS on 2022-12-02 00:55:33 UTC. Last updated on 2022-12-02 00:55:33 UTC. See changelog for details.
Contributors: XRONOS development team
