Skeates, Robin; Whitehouse, Ruth.1997-8. ""New radio carbon dates for prehistoric Italy 3"". The Accordia Research Papers 7: 149-62.

Bibliographic reference Bibliographic reference

@misc{Skeates, Robin; Whitehouse, Ruth.1997-8. ""New radio carbon dates for prehistoric Italy 3"". The Accordia Research Papers 7: 149-62.,
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:bibtex_key: 'Skeates, Robin; Whitehouse, Ruth.1997-8. ""New radio carbon dates for
  prehistoric Italy 3"". The Accordia Research Papers 7: 149-62.'
:bibtex_type: :misc

Citing records

There are 11 records in XRONOS that cite this reference.

radiocarbon date Radiocarbon dates (9)

Site Lab ID Context Material Taxon Method Uncalibrated age Calibrated age References
La Selvicciola, Ischia di Castro OXC-167 bone Homo sapiens NA 4253±38 BP Skeates, Robin; Whitehouse, Ruth.1997-8. ""New radio carbon dates for prehistoric Italy 3"". The Accordia Research Papers 7: 149-62.
La Selvicciola, Ischia di Castro OXC-168 bone Homo sapiens NA 4431±48 BP Skeates, Robin; Whitehouse, Ruth.1997-8. ""New radio carbon dates for prehistoric Italy 3"". The Accordia Research Papers 7: 149-62.
La Selvicciola, Ischia di Castro OXC-169 bone Homo sapiens NA 3893±121 BP Skeates, Robin; Whitehouse, Ruth.1997-8. ""New radio carbon dates for prehistoric Italy 3"". The Accordia Research Papers 7: 149-62.
La Selvicciola, Ischia di Castro OXC-170 bone Homo sapiens NA 4341±58 BP Skeates, Robin; Whitehouse, Ruth.1997-8. ""New radio carbon dates for prehistoric Italy 3"". The Accordia Research Papers 7: 149-62.
La Selvicciola, Ischia di Castro OXC-171 bone Homo sapiens NA 4665±43 BP Skeates, Robin; Whitehouse, Ruth.1997-8. ""New radio carbon dates for prehistoric Italy 3"". The Accordia Research Papers 7: 149-62.
La Selvicciola, Ischia di Castro OXC-172 bone Homo sapiens NA 4290±56 BP Skeates, Robin; Whitehouse, Ruth.1997-8. ""New radio carbon dates for prehistoric Italy 3"". The Accordia Research Papers 7: 149-62.
La Selvicciola, Ischia di Castro OXC-173 bone Homo sapiens NA 3704±54 BP Skeates, Robin; Whitehouse, Ruth.1997-8. ""New radio carbon dates for prehistoric Italy 3"". The Accordia Research Papers 7: 149-62.
La Selvicciola, Ischia di Castro OXC-174 bone Homo sapiens NA 4337±94 BP Skeates, Robin; Whitehouse, Ruth.1997-8. ""New radio carbon dates for prehistoric Italy 3"". The Accordia Research Papers 7: 149-62.
La Selvicciola, Ischia di Castro OXC-175 bone Homo sapiens NA 4194±42 BP Skeates, Robin; Whitehouse, Ruth.1997-8. ""New radio carbon dates for prehistoric Italy 3"". The Accordia Research Papers 7: 149-62.


Record created in XRONOS on 2022-12-02 00:55:33 UTC. Last updated on 2022-12-02 00:55:33 UTC. See changelog for details.
Contributors: XRONOS development team
