Radiocarbon dates

Showing 350190 radiocarbon dates.

Site Lab ID Context Material Taxon Method Uncalibrated age Calibrated age References
Ewaso Narok Swamp Beta-230855 bulk peat NA NA 0±0 BP Muiruri, Veronica M. February 2008. Detecting environmental change and anthropogenic activities on the Laikipia Plateau, Kenya. Masters degree. Earth Sciences Dept, Palynology section, National Museums of Kenya, Nairobi, and Dept of Botany, University of Free State South Africa.
WeruWeru 26 Erl-16969 WW26 charcoal NA NA 0±0 BP Schuler, L. 2012. Studies on late Quaternary environmental dynamics (vegetation, biodiversity, climate, soils, fire and human impact) on Mt Kilimanjaro. PhD Thesis. Georg-August-Universitt Gttingen, Germany
Loboi Swamp Beta-172859 Core 7 (Acacia?) roots NA NA 0±0 BP Ashley, G. M., J. Maitima Mworia, A. M. Muasya, R. B. Owen, S. G. Driese, V. C. Hover, R. W. Renaut, M. F. Goman, S. Mathai, and S. H. Blatt. ""Sedimentation and recent history of a freshwater wetland in a semi?arid environment: Loboi Swamp, Kenya, East Africa."" Sedimentology 51, no. 6 (2004): 1301-1321.; Ashley, G. M., Deocampo, D. M., Kahmann-Robinson, J., & Driese, S. G. (2013). Groundwater-fed wetland sediments and paleosols: It's all about water table. New Frontiers in Paleopedology and Terrestrial Paleoclimatology: Paleosols and Soil Surface Analog Systems: SEPM, Special Publication, 104, 47-61.
Trou Arnaud LY-6769 niv. B céramique NA NA 0±0 BP Banadora Perrin 2021
Mgundamvaha grassland Wk-23591 bulk sediment NA NA 0±0 BP Finch, Jemma, Matthew Wooller, and Rob Marchant. ""Tracing long?term tropical montane ecosystem change in the Eastern Arc Mountains of Tanzania."" Journal of Quaternary Science 29, no. 3 (2014): 269-278.
Ewaso Narok Swamp Beta-230857 bulk peat NA NA 0±0 BP Muiruri, Veronica M. February 2008. Detecting environmental change and anthropogenic activities on the Laikipia Plateau, Kenya. Masters degree. Earth Sciences Dept, Palynology section, National Museums of Kenya, Nairobi, and Dept of Botany, University of Free State South Africa.
Poutem AA-96497 P02 - NA NA 0±0 BP Lupo et al. 2018: 7 Tab. 1
Malemba-Nkulu Hv-8496 T19 - NA NA 0±0 BP de Maret 1992b: 202
Otoumbi 10 Gif-7526 - Charcoal_wood NA NA 0±0 BP Assoko Ndong 2001: 475 Tab. 64; Clist 2004/2005: Annex 2
Macoba Bay SUERC-44339 organic concentrate NA NA 0±0 BP Punwong P, Marchant R, Selby K (2013). Holocene mangrove dynamics in Makoba Bay, Zanzibar. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 379-380, 54-67.; Woodroffe SA, Long AJ, Punwong P, Selby K, Bryant CL, Marchant R (2015). Radiocarbon dating of mangrove sediments to constrain Holocene relative sea-level change on Zanzibar in the southwest Indian Ocean. The Holocene 25, 820-831.
Abong Mbang I-13142 - Charcoal NA NA 0±0 BP Hori et al. 1986
Pallisco logging concession (Area1) Poz-49399 1 - NA NA 0±0 BP Vleminckx et al. 2014; Garcin et al. 2018
Katongo Hv-6620 T7 Bone NA NA 0±0 BP de Maret 1977; de Maret 1985b: 257
Mbomole GrA-33279 bulk sediment NA NA 0±0 BP Mumbi CT, Marchant R, Hooghiemstra H, Wooller MJ (2008). Late Quaternary vegetation reconstruction from the Eastern Arc Mountains, Tanzania. Quaternary Research 69, 326-341.
Dates from unknown sites Beta-30287 Charcoal NA Radiocarbon 0±0 BP Robins pers. comm., 2000
Unguja Ukuu UBA-19485 bulk sediment NA NA 0±0 BP Punwong P, Marchant R, Selby K (2013). Holocene mangrove dynamics from Unguja Ukuu, Zanzibar. Quaternary International 298, 4-19.
Macoba Bay SUERC-41806 organic concentrate NA NA 0±0 BP Woodroffe, S. A., Long, A. J., Punwong, P., Selby, K., Bryant, C. L., & Marchant, R. (2015). Radiocarbon dating of mangrove sediments to constrain Holocene relative sea-level change on Zanzibar in the southwest Indian Ocean. The Holocene, 0959683615571422.
Northern Rufiji Delta UBA-15387 bulk sediment NA NA 0±0 BP Punwong P, Marchant R, Selby K (2013). Holocene mangrove dynamics and environmental change in the Rufiji Delta, Tanzania. Vegetation History and Archaeobotany 22, 381-396
Northern Rufiji Delta UBA-15385 bulk sediment NA NA 0±0 BP Punwong P, Marchant R, Selby K (2013). Holocene mangrove dynamics and environmental change in the Rufiji Delta, Tanzania. Vegetation History and Archaeobotany 22, 381-396
Mulgrave River 1 SUA-2286 Charcoal NA Radiocarbon 0±0 BP Horsfall 1987