
radiocarbon date Radiocarbon date from Ashleypark
Record created in XRONOS on 2022-12-02 00:50:45 UTC. Last updated on 2022-12-02 00:50:45 UTC. See changelog for details.
Contributors: XRONOS development team


Age (uncal BP)
Error (±)
Sample material
human bone
Sample taxon
Homo sapiens


Calibration curve
IntCal20 (Reimer et al. 2020)
Calibrated age (2σ, BP)
5588 - 5457
5378 - 5330


Sample position
Sample coordinates

Bibliographic reference Bibliographic references (4)

  title = {The Cultural Evolution of Neolithic Europe. EUROEVOL Dataset},
  author = {Manning, K. and Timpson, A. and Colledge, S. and Crema, E. and Shennan, S.},
  date = {2015-07-09},
  url = {},
  urldate = {2023-09-07},
  abstract = {This dataset comprises the primary data collected for the Cultural Evolution of Neolithic Europe project (EUROEVOL), led by Professor Stephen Shennan, UCL. The dataset offers the largest repository of archaeological site and radiocarbon data from Neolithic Europe (4,757 sites and 14,131 radiocarbon samples), dating between the late Mesolithic and Early Bronze Age, as well as the largest collections of archaeobotanical data (>8300 records for 729 different species, genera and families, and the largest collection of animal bone data with >3 million NISP counts and >36,000 biometrics.},
  langid = {english}
@misc{Whittle et al. 2011; Woodman et al. 1999,
@misc{Whittle et al. 2011; Brindley/Lanting 1990; Manning 1985,
@misc{Manning 1984a, 94; O'Kelly 1989, 347; Cooney, Bayliss, Healy, Whittle, Danaher, Cagney, Mallory, Smyth, Kador & O'Sullivan 2011, 635; Manning 1985, 80, 98; Brindley & Lanting 1989-1990, 2; Waddell 2000, 106,
[{"bibtex_key":"EUROEVOL","bibtex_type":"dataset","title":"{The Cultural Evolution of Neolithic Europe. EUROEVOL Dataset}","author":"{Manning, K. and Timpson, A. and Colledge, S. and Crema, E. and Shennan, S.}","date":"{2015-07-09}","url":"{}","urldate":"{2023-09-07}","abstract":"{This dataset comprises the primary data collected for the Cultural Evolution of Neolithic Europe project (EUROEVOL), led by Professor Stephen Shennan, UCL. The dataset offers the largest repository of archaeological site and radiocarbon data from Neolithic Europe (4,757 sites and 14,131 radiocarbon samples), dating between the late Mesolithic and Early Bronze Age, as well as the largest collections of archaeobotanical data (>8300 records for 729 different species, genera and families, and the largest collection of animal bone data with >3 million NISP counts and >36,000 biometrics.}","langid":"{english}"}]{"bibtex_key":"Whittle et al. 2011; Woodman et al. 1999","bibtex_type":"misc"}{"bibtex_key":"Whittle et al. 2011; Brindley/Lanting 1990; Manning 1985","bibtex_type":"misc"}{"bibtex_key":"Manning 1984a, 94; O'Kelly 1989, 347; Cooney, Bayliss, Healy, Whittle, Danaher, Cagney, Mallory, Smyth, Kador & O'Sullivan 2011, 635; Manning 1985, 80, 98; Brindley & Lanting 1989-1990, 2; Waddell 2000, 106","bibtex_type":"misc"}
- :bibtex_key: EUROEVOL
  :bibtex_type: :dataset
  :title: "{The Cultural Evolution of Neolithic Europe. EUROEVOL Dataset}"
  :author: "{Manning, K. and Timpson, A. and Colledge, S. and Crema, E. and Shennan,
  :date: "{2015-07-09}"
  :url: "{}"
  :urldate: "{2023-09-07}"
  :abstract: "{This dataset comprises the primary data collected for the Cultural
    Evolution of Neolithic Europe project (EUROEVOL), led by Professor Stephen Shennan,
    UCL. The dataset offers the largest repository of archaeological site and radiocarbon
    data from Neolithic Europe (4,757 sites and 14,131 radiocarbon samples), dating
    between the late Mesolithic and Early Bronze Age, as well as the largest collections
    of archaeobotanical data (>8300 records for 729 different species, genera and
    families, and the largest collection of animal bone data with >3 million NISP
    counts and >36,000 biometrics.}"
  :langid: "{english}"
:bibtex_key: Whittle et al. 2011; Woodman et al. 1999
:bibtex_type: :misc
:bibtex_key: Whittle et al. 2011; Brindley/Lanting 1990; Manning 1985
:bibtex_type: :misc
:bibtex_key: Manning 1984a, 94; O'Kelly 1989, 347; Cooney, Bayliss, Healy, Whittle,
  Danaher, Cagney, Mallory, Smyth, Kador & O'Sullivan 2011, 635; Manning 1985, 80,
  98; Brindley & Lanting 1989-1990, 2; Waddell 2000, 106
:bibtex_type: :misc
