Radiocarbon date from
Record created in XRONOS on 2022-12-02 00:50:45 UTC.
Last updated on 2022-12-02 00:50:45 UTC.
See changelog for details.
Contributors: XRONOS development team
Contributors: XRONOS development team
- Age (uncal BP)
- 210
- Error (±)
- 40
- Lab
- NA
- Method
- NA
- Sample material
- charcoal
- Sample taxon
- NA
- Calibration curve
- IntCal20 (Reimer et al. 2020)
- Calibrated age (2σ, BP)
- 420 - 413
314 - 252
228 - 136
115 - 67
- Site
- Magozastad
- Context
- Sample position
- NA
- Sample coordinates
- NA
Bibliographic references (8)
- No bibliographic information available. [Van der Ryst M.M. 1998.The Waterberg Plateau in the Northern Province Republic of South Africa in the Later Stone Age(Vol. 715). British Archaeological Reports International Series.]
- Bird, D., Miranda, L., Vander Linden, M., Robinson, E., Bocinsky, R. K., Nicholson, C., Capriles, J. M., Finley, J. B., Gayo, E. M., Gil, A., d’Alpoim Guedes, J., Hoggarth, J. A., Kay, A., Loftus, E., Lombardo, U., Mackie, M., Palmisano, A., Solheim, S., Kelly, R. L., & Freeman, J. (2022). P3k14c, a Synthetic Global Database of Archaeological Radiocarbon Dates. Scientific Data, 9(1), 27. [p3k14c]
- No bibliographic information available. [huffman2007h]
- No bibliographic information available. [Boeyens J.C.A. and Plug I. 2011. 'A chief is like an ash-heap on which is gathered all the refuse': the faunal remains from the central court midden at Kaditshwene.Annals of the Ditsong National Museum of Natural History1(1) pp.1-22.]
- No bibliographic information available. [Parkington J. Fisher Jr J.W. and Tonner T.W. 2009. The fires are constant the shelters are whims: A feature map of Later Stone Age campsites at the Dunefield Midden site Western Cape province South Africa.The South African Archaeological Bulletin pp.104-121.]
- No bibliographic information available. [Huffman TN. 2007. Handbook to the Iron Age: The archaeology of pre-colonial farming societies in southern Africa. University of KwaZulu Natal Press Pietermaritzberg]
- No bibliographic information available. [Ribot I. Morris A.G. Sealy J. and Maggs T. 2010. Population history and economic change in the last 2000 years in KwaZulu-Natal RSA.Southern African Humanities22(1) pp.89-112.]
- No bibliographic information available. [Pienaar M. Woodborne S. and Wadley L. 2008. Optically stimulated luminescence dating at Rose Cottage Cave: research letter.South African Journal of Science104(1-2) pp.65-70.]
@misc{Van der Ryst M.M. 1998.The Waterberg Plateau in the Northern Province Republic of South Africa in the Later Stone Age(Vol. 715). British Archaeological Reports International Series.,
title = {P3k14c, a Synthetic Global Database of Archaeological Radiocarbon Dates},
author = {Bird, Darcy and Miranda, Lux and Vander Linden, Marc and Robinson, Erick and Bocinsky, R. Kyle and Nicholson, Chris and Capriles, José M. and Finley, Judson Byrd and Gayo, Eugenia M. and Gil, Adolfo and d’Alpoim Guedes, Jade and Hoggarth, Julie A. and Kay, Andrea and Loftus, Emma and Lombardo, Umberto and Mackie, Madeline and Palmisano, Alessio and Solheim, Steinar and Kelly, Robert L. and Freeman, Jacob},
year = {2022},
month = {jan},
journal = {Scientific Data},
volume = {9},
number = {1},
pages = {27},
publisher = {Nature Publishing Group},
issn = {2052-4463},
doi = {10.1038/s41597-022-01118-7},
abstract = {Archaeologists increasingly use large radiocarbon databases to model prehistoric human demography (also termed paleo-demography). Numerous independent projects, funded over the past decade, have assembled such databases from multiple regions of the world. These data provide unprecedented potential for comparative research on human population ecology and the evolution of social-ecological systems across the Earth. However, these databases have been developed using different sample selection criteria, which has resulted in interoperability issues for global-scale, comparative paleo-demographic research and integration with paleoclimate and paleoenvironmental data. We present a synthetic, global-scale archaeological radiocarbon database composed of 180,070 radiocarbon dates that have been cleaned according to a standardized sample selection criteria. This database increases the reusability of archaeological radiocarbon data and streamlines quality control assessments for various types of paleo-demographic research. As part of an assessment of data quality, we conduct two analyses of sampling bias in the global database at multiple scales. This database is ideal for paleo-demographic research focused on dates-as-data, bayesian modeling, or summed probability distribution methodologies.},
copyright = {2022 The Author(s)},
langid = {english},
keywords = {Archaeology,Chemistry},
month_numeric = {1}
@misc{Boeyens J.C.A. and Plug I. 2011. 'A chief is like an ash-heap on which is gathered all the refuse': the faunal remains from the central court midden at Kaditshwene.Annals of the Ditsong National Museum of Natural History1(1) pp.1-22.,
@misc{Parkington J. Fisher Jr J.W. and Tonner T.W. 2009. The fires are constant the shelters are whims: A feature map of Later Stone Age campsites at the Dunefield Midden site Western Cape province South Africa.The South African Archaeological Bulletin pp.104-121.,
@misc{Huffman TN. 2007. Handbook to the Iron Age: The archaeology of pre-colonial farming societies in southern Africa. University of KwaZulu Natal Press Pietermaritzberg,
@misc{Ribot I. Morris A.G. Sealy J. and Maggs T. 2010. Population history and economic change in the last 2000 years in KwaZulu-Natal RSA.Southern African Humanities22(1) pp.89-112.,
@misc{Pienaar M. Woodborne S. and Wadley L. 2008. Optically stimulated luminescence dating at Rose Cottage Cave: research letter.South African Journal of Science104(1-2) pp.65-70.,
{"bibtex_key":"Van der Ryst M.M. 1998.The Waterberg Plateau in the Northern Province Republic of South Africa in the Later Stone Age(Vol. 715). British Archaeological Reports International Series.","bibtex_type":"misc"}[{"bibtex_key":"p3k14c","bibtex_type":"article","title":"{P3k14c, a Synthetic Global Database of Archaeological Radiocarbon Dates}","author":"{Bird, Darcy and Miranda, Lux and Vander Linden, Marc and Robinson, Erick and Bocinsky, R. Kyle and Nicholson, Chris and Capriles, José M. and Finley, Judson Byrd and Gayo, Eugenia M. and Gil, Adolfo and d’Alpoim Guedes, Jade and Hoggarth, Julie A. and Kay, Andrea and Loftus, Emma and Lombardo, Umberto and Mackie, Madeline and Palmisano, Alessio and Solheim, Steinar and Kelly, Robert L. and Freeman, Jacob}","year":"{2022}","month":"{jan}","journal":"{Scientific Data}","volume":"{9}","number":"{1}","pages":"{27}","publisher":"{Nature Publishing Group}","issn":"{2052-4463}","doi":"{10.1038/s41597-022-01118-7}","abstract":"{Archaeologists increasingly use large radiocarbon databases to model prehistoric human demography (also termed paleo-demography). Numerous independent projects, funded over the past decade, have assembled such databases from multiple regions of the world. These data provide unprecedented potential for comparative research on human population ecology and the evolution of social-ecological systems across the Earth. However, these databases have been developed using different sample selection criteria, which has resulted in interoperability issues for global-scale, comparative paleo-demographic research and integration with paleoclimate and paleoenvironmental data. We present a synthetic, global-scale archaeological radiocarbon database composed of 180,070 radiocarbon dates that have been cleaned according to a standardized sample selection criteria. This database increases the reusability of archaeological radiocarbon data and streamlines quality control assessments for various types of paleo-demographic research. As part of an assessment of data quality, we conduct two analyses of sampling bias in the global database at multiple scales. This database is ideal for paleo-demographic research focused on dates-as-data, bayesian modeling, or summed probability distribution methodologies.}","copyright":"{2022 The Author(s)}","langid":"{english}","keywords":"{Archaeology,Chemistry}","month_numeric":"{1}"}]{"bibtex_key":"huffman2007h","bibtex_type":"misc"}{"bibtex_key":"Boeyens J.C.A. and Plug I. 2011. 'A chief is like an ash-heap on which is gathered all the refuse': the faunal remains from the central court midden at Kaditshwene.Annals of the Ditsong National Museum of Natural History1(1) pp.1-22.","bibtex_type":"misc"}{"bibtex_key":"Parkington J. Fisher Jr J.W. and Tonner T.W. 2009. The fires are constant the shelters are whims: A feature map of Later Stone Age campsites at the Dunefield Midden site Western Cape province South Africa.The South African Archaeological Bulletin pp.104-121.","bibtex_type":"misc"}{"bibtex_key":"Huffman TN. 2007. Handbook to the Iron Age: The archaeology of pre-colonial farming societies in southern Africa. University of KwaZulu Natal Press Pietermaritzberg","bibtex_type":"misc"}{"bibtex_key":"Ribot I. Morris A.G. Sealy J. and Maggs T. 2010. Population history and economic change in the last 2000 years in KwaZulu-Natal RSA.Southern African Humanities22(1) pp.89-112.","bibtex_type":"misc"}{"bibtex_key":"Pienaar M. Woodborne S. and Wadley L. 2008. Optically stimulated luminescence dating at Rose Cottage Cave: research letter.South African Journal of Science104(1-2) pp.65-70.","bibtex_type":"misc"}
:bibtex_key: Van der Ryst M.M. 1998.The Waterberg Plateau in the Northern Province
Republic of South Africa in the Later Stone Age(Vol. 715). British Archaeological
Reports International Series.
:bibtex_type: :misc
- :bibtex_key: p3k14c
:bibtex_type: :article
:title: "{P3k14c, a Synthetic Global Database of Archaeological Radiocarbon Dates}"
:author: "{Bird, Darcy and Miranda, Lux and Vander Linden, Marc and Robinson, Erick
and Bocinsky, R. Kyle and Nicholson, Chris and Capriles, José M. and Finley, Judson
Byrd and Gayo, Eugenia M. and Gil, Adolfo and d’Alpoim Guedes, Jade and Hoggarth,
Julie A. and Kay, Andrea and Loftus, Emma and Lombardo, Umberto and Mackie, Madeline
and Palmisano, Alessio and Solheim, Steinar and Kelly, Robert L. and Freeman,
:year: "{2022}"
:month: "{jan}"
:journal: "{Scientific Data}"
:volume: "{9}"
:number: "{1}"
:pages: "{27}"
:publisher: "{Nature Publishing Group}"
:issn: "{2052-4463}"
:doi: "{10.1038/s41597-022-01118-7}"
:abstract: "{Archaeologists increasingly use large radiocarbon databases to model
prehistoric human demography (also termed paleo-demography). Numerous independent
projects, funded over the past decade, have assembled such databases from multiple
regions of the world. These data provide unprecedented potential for comparative
research on human population ecology and the evolution of social-ecological systems
across the Earth. However, these databases have been developed using different
sample selection criteria, which has resulted in interoperability issues for global-scale,
comparative paleo-demographic research and integration with paleoclimate and paleoenvironmental
data. We present a synthetic, global-scale archaeological radiocarbon database
composed of 180,070 radiocarbon dates that have been cleaned according to a standardized
sample selection criteria. This database increases the reusability of archaeological
radiocarbon data and streamlines quality control assessments for various types
of paleo-demographic research. As part of an assessment of data quality, we conduct
two analyses of sampling bias in the global database at multiple scales. This
database is ideal for paleo-demographic research focused on dates-as-data, bayesian
modeling, or summed probability distribution methodologies.}"
:copyright: "{2022 The Author(s)}"
:langid: "{english}"
:keywords: "{Archaeology,Chemistry}"
:month_numeric: "{1}"
:bibtex_key: huffman2007h
:bibtex_type: :misc
:bibtex_key: 'Boeyens J.C.A. and Plug I. 2011. ''A chief is like an ash-heap on which
is gathered all the refuse'': the faunal remains from the central court midden at
Kaditshwene.Annals of the Ditsong National Museum of Natural History1(1) pp.1-22.'
:bibtex_type: :misc
:bibtex_key: 'Parkington J. Fisher Jr J.W. and Tonner T.W. 2009. The fires are constant
the shelters are whims: A feature map of Later Stone Age campsites at the Dunefield
Midden site Western Cape province South Africa.The South African Archaeological
Bulletin pp.104-121.'
:bibtex_type: :misc
:bibtex_key: 'Huffman TN. 2007. Handbook to the Iron Age: The archaeology of pre-colonial
farming societies in southern Africa. University of KwaZulu Natal Press Pietermaritzberg'
:bibtex_type: :misc
:bibtex_key: Ribot I. Morris A.G. Sealy J. and Maggs T. 2010. Population history and
economic change in the last 2000 years in KwaZulu-Natal RSA.Southern African Humanities22(1)
:bibtex_type: :misc
:bibtex_key: 'Pienaar M. Woodborne S. and Wadley L. 2008. Optically stimulated luminescence
dating at Rose Cottage Cave: research letter.South African Journal of Science104(1-2)
:bibtex_type: :misc