
radiocarbon date Radiocarbon date from Arpachiyah
Record created in XRONOS on 2022-12-02 00:50:45 UTC. Last updated on 2022-12-02 00:50:45 UTC. See changelog for details.
Contributors: XRONOS development team


Age (uncal BP)
Error (±)
Sample material
Sample taxon


Calibration curve
IntCal20 (Reimer et al. 2020)
Calibrated age (2σ, BP)
9256 - 9230
9202 - 9177
9140 - 8644


band brûle dans une tranchee representant le niveau de destruction de la Level 6 de Mellowan
Sample position
Sample coordinates

Bibliographic reference Bibliographic references (10)

@misc{Stuckenrath and Ralph 1965; CalPal; Flohr et al. 2016,
  title = {The NERD Dataset: Near East Radiocarbon Dates between 15,000 and 1,500 Cal. Yr. BP},
  shorttitle = {The NERD Dataset},
  author = {Palmisano, Alessio and Bevan, Andrew and Lawrence, Dan and Shennan, Stephen},
  date = {2022-02-22},
  volume = {10},
  number = {0},
  pages = {2},
  publisher = {Ubiquity Press},
  issn = {2049-1565},
  doi = {10.5334/joad.90},
  url = {https://openarchaeologydata.metajnl.com/articles/10.5334/joad.90},
  urldate = {2023-09-07},
  abstract = {To our knowledge, the dataset described in this paper represents the largest existing repository of uncalibrated radiocarbon dates for the whole Near East from the Late Pleistocene to the Late Holocene (15,000 – 1,500 cal. yr. BP). It is composed of 11,027 radiocarbon dates from 1,023 sites that have been collected comprehensively by cross-checking multiple sources (extant digital archives and databases, edited volumes, monographs, journals papers, archaeological excavation reports, etc.) under the umbrella of the Leverhulme Trust funded project “Changing the Face of the Mediterranean” and of the ERC project “CLASS – Climate, Landscape, Settlement and Society: Exploring Human-Environment Interaction in the Ancient Near East”. This is an ongoing dataset that will be updated step by step with newly published radiocarbon dates.},
  issue = {0},
  langid = {american},
  file = {/home/joeroe/g/work/library/2022/Palmisano_et_al_2022.pdf}
@misc{Hijara et al. 1980, Burleigh et al. 1982a, Watson 1983, Bernbeck 1994,
@misc{Stuckenrath and Ralph 1965, 188,
@misc{Stuckenrath and Ralph 1965, Coursaget and Le Run 1966, Bernbeck 1994, Chataigner 1995,
@misc{Stuckenrath and Ralph 1965,
@misc{Burleigh et al. 1982; Bernbeck 1994;CalPal; Flohr et al. 2016 Quaternary Science Reviews 136,
@misc{Stuckenrath and Ralph 1965; Bernbeck 1994; CalPal; Flohr et al. 2016,
@misc{Hijara et al. 1980 Burleigh et al. 1982a Watson 1983 Bernbeck 1994,
@misc{Stuckenrath and Ralph 1965 Coursaget and Le Run 1966 Bernbeck 1994 Chataigner 1995,
{"bibtex_key":"Stuckenrath and Ralph 1965; CalPal; Flohr et al. 2016","bibtex_type":"misc"}[{"bibtex_key":"NERD","bibtex_type":"article","title":"{The NERD Dataset: Near East Radiocarbon Dates between 15,000 and 1,500 Cal. Yr. BP}","shorttitle":"{The NERD Dataset}","author":"{Palmisano, Alessio and Bevan, Andrew and Lawrence, Dan and Shennan, Stephen}","date":"{2022-02-22}","volume":"{10}","number":"{0}","pages":"{2}","publisher":"{Ubiquity Press}","issn":"{2049-1565}","doi":"{10.5334/joad.90}","url":"{https://openarchaeologydata.metajnl.com/articles/10.5334/joad.90}","urldate":"{2023-09-07}","abstract":"{To our knowledge, the dataset described in this paper represents the largest existing repository of uncalibrated radiocarbon dates for the whole Near East from the Late Pleistocene to the Late Holocene (15,000 – 1,500 cal. yr. BP). It is composed of 11,027 radiocarbon dates from 1,023 sites that have been collected comprehensively by cross-checking multiple sources (extant digital archives and databases, edited volumes, monographs, journals papers, archaeological excavation reports, etc.) under the umbrella of the Leverhulme Trust funded project “Changing the Face of the Mediterranean” and of the ERC project “CLASS – Climate, Landscape, Settlement and Society: Exploring Human-Environment Interaction in the Ancient Near East”. This is an ongoing dataset that will be updated step by step with newly published radiocarbon dates.}","issue":"{0}","langid":"{american}","file":"{/home/joeroe/g/work/library/2022/Palmisano_et_al_2022.pdf}"}]{"bibtex_key":"Hijara et al. 1980, Burleigh et al. 1982a, Watson 1983, Bernbeck 1994","bibtex_type":"misc"}{"bibtex_key":"Stuckenrath and Ralph 1965, 188","bibtex_type":"misc"}{"bibtex_key":"Stuckenrath and Ralph 1965, Coursaget and Le Run 1966, Bernbeck 1994, Chataigner 1995","bibtex_type":"misc"}{"bibtex_key":"Stuckenrath and Ralph 1965","bibtex_type":"misc"}{"bibtex_key":"Burleigh et al. 1982; Bernbeck 1994;CalPal; Flohr et al. 2016 Quaternary Science Reviews 136","bibtex_type":"misc"}{"bibtex_key":"Stuckenrath and Ralph 1965; Bernbeck 1994; CalPal; Flohr et al. 2016","bibtex_type":"misc"}{"bibtex_key":"Hijara et al. 1980 Burleigh et al. 1982a Watson 1983 Bernbeck 1994","bibtex_type":"misc"}{"bibtex_key":"Stuckenrath and Ralph 1965 Coursaget and Le Run 1966 Bernbeck 1994 Chataigner 1995","bibtex_type":"misc"}
:bibtex_key: Stuckenrath and Ralph 1965; CalPal; Flohr et al. 2016
:bibtex_type: :misc
- :bibtex_key: NERD
  :bibtex_type: :article
  :title: "{The NERD Dataset: Near East Radiocarbon Dates between 15,000 and 1,500
    Cal. Yr. BP}"
  :shorttitle: "{The NERD Dataset}"
  :author: "{Palmisano, Alessio and Bevan, Andrew and Lawrence, Dan and Shennan, Stephen}"
  :date: "{2022-02-22}"
  :volume: "{10}"
  :number: "{0}"
  :pages: "{2}"
  :publisher: "{Ubiquity Press}"
  :issn: "{2049-1565}"
  :doi: "{10.5334/joad.90}"
  :url: "{https://openarchaeologydata.metajnl.com/articles/10.5334/joad.90}"
  :urldate: "{2023-09-07}"
  :abstract: "{To our knowledge, the dataset described in this paper represents the
    largest existing repository of uncalibrated radiocarbon dates for the whole Near
    East from the Late Pleistocene to the Late Holocene (15,000 – 1,500 cal. yr. BP).
    It is composed of 11,027 radiocarbon dates from 1,023 sites that have been collected
    comprehensively by cross-checking multiple sources (extant digital archives and
    databases, edited volumes, monographs, journals papers, archaeological excavation
    reports, etc.) under the umbrella of the Leverhulme Trust funded project “Changing
    the Face of the Mediterranean” and of the ERC project “CLASS – Climate, Landscape,
    Settlement and Society: Exploring Human-Environment Interaction in the Ancient
    Near East”. This is an ongoing dataset that will be updated step by step with
    newly published radiocarbon dates.}"
  :issue: "{0}"
  :langid: "{american}"
  :file: "{/home/joeroe/g/work/library/2022/Palmisano_et_al_2022.pdf}"
:bibtex_key: Hijara et al. 1980, Burleigh et al. 1982a, Watson 1983, Bernbeck 1994
:bibtex_type: :misc
:bibtex_key: Stuckenrath and Ralph 1965, 188
:bibtex_type: :misc
:bibtex_key: Stuckenrath and Ralph 1965, Coursaget and Le Run 1966, Bernbeck 1994,
  Chataigner 1995
:bibtex_type: :misc
:bibtex_key: Stuckenrath and Ralph 1965
:bibtex_type: :misc
:bibtex_key: Burleigh et al. 1982; Bernbeck 1994;CalPal; Flohr et al. 2016 Quaternary
  Science Reviews 136
:bibtex_type: :misc
:bibtex_key: Stuckenrath and Ralph 1965; Bernbeck 1994; CalPal; Flohr et al. 2016
:bibtex_type: :misc
:bibtex_key: Hijara et al. 1980 Burleigh et al. 1982a Watson 1983 Bernbeck 1994
:bibtex_type: :misc
:bibtex_key: Stuckenrath and Ralph 1965 Coursaget and Le Run 1966 Bernbeck 1994 Chataigner
:bibtex_type: :misc
