Site type


Coordinates (degrees)
039.768° N, 020.730° E
Coordinates (DMS)
039° 46' 00" E, 020° 43' 00" N
Country (ISO 3166)
Greece (GR)

radiocarbon date Radiocarbon dates (2)

Lab ID Context Material Taxon Method Uncalibrated age Calibrated age References
GrN-4793 Borehole. Zone IIb, d:7.90 sediment NA NA 40000±1000 BP VogelWaterbolk1972
GrN-4875 Borehole. Zone IV, d:2.67 sediment NA NA 10200±90 BP VogelWaterbolk1972

typological date Typological dates (2)

Classification Estimated age References
Early Glacial (end)/Lower Pleniglacial NA VogelWaterbolk1972
Late Glacial/Postglacial NA VogelWaterbolk1972

Bibliographic reference Bibliographic references

  • No bibliographic information available. [VogelWaterbolk1972]
  • [Katsianis et al. 2020]
@misc{Katsianis et al. 2020,
  url = {},
  note = {Katsianis, Markos; Bevan, Andrew; Styliaras, Giorgos; Maniatis, Yannis (2020): Dataset for: An Aegean history and archaeology written through radiocarbon dates. University College London. Dataset. }
{"bibtex_key":"VogelWaterbolk1972","bibtex_type":"misc"}[{"bibtex_key":"Katsianis et al. 2020","bibtex_type":"misc","url":"{}","note":"{Katsianis, Markos; Bevan, Andrew; Styliaras, Giorgos; Maniatis, Yannis (2020): Dataset for: An Aegean history and archaeology written through radiocarbon dates. University College London. Dataset. }"}]
:bibtex_key: VogelWaterbolk1972
:bibtex_type: :misc
- :bibtex_key: Katsianis et al. 2020
  :bibtex_type: :misc
  :url: "{}"
  :note: "{Katsianis, Markos; Bevan, Andrew; Styliaras, Giorgos; Maniatis, Yannis
    (2020): Dataset for: An Aegean history and archaeology written through radiocarbon
    dates. University College London. Dataset.
