Site type


Coordinates (degrees)
Coordinates (DMS)
Country (ISO 3166)
Spain (ES)

radiocarbon date Radiocarbon dates (17)

Lab ID Context Material Taxon Method Uncalibrated age Calibrated age References
KIA-37689 charcoal Pinus AMS 6525±45 BP Gassiot et al. 2014
KIA-26251 charcoal NA NA 4210±35 BP Gassiot et al. 2014
KIA-37690 charcoal Pinus NA 5850±40 BP Gassiot et al. 2014
KIA-40878 charcoal Pinus NA 5715±35 BP Gassiot et al. 2014
KIA-36935 charcoal Pinus NA 5695±35 BP Gassiot et al. 2014
KIA-40817 charcoal Pinus NA 5685±35 BP Gassiot et al. 2014
KIA-41134 charcoal Pinus NA 5645±25 BP Gassiot et al. 2014
KIA-40815 charcoal Pinus NA 5635±35 BP Gassiot et al. 2014
KIa-32340 charcoal Pinus NA 5245±40 BP Gassiot et al. 2014
KIA-40816 charcoal Pinus NA 5000±30 BP Gassiot et al. 2014
KIA-32342 charcoal Fraxinus NA 4945±45 BP Gassiot et al. 2014
KIA-36934 charcoal Pinus NA 4765±40 BP Gassiot et al. 2014
KIA-37691 charcoal Pinus NA 4715±35 BP Gassiot et al. 2014
KIA-32351 charcoal Pinus NA 4555±30 BP Gassiot et al. 2014
KIA-40850 charcoal Pinus NA 4465±30 BP Gassiot et al. 2014
KIA-26248 charcoal NA NA 5060±40 BP Gassiot et al. 2014
KIA-32348 charcoal Pinus NA 4090±35 BP Gassiot et al. 2014

typological date Typological dates (20)

Classification Estimated age References
MiddleNeolithic NA Gassiot et al. 2014
postcardial NA NA
LateNeolithic NA Gassiot et al. 2014
EarlyNeolithic NA Gassiot et al. 2014
EarlyNeolithic NA Gassiot et al. 2014
EarlyNeolithic NA Gassiot et al. 2014
EarlyNeolithic NA Gassiot et al. 2014
EarlyNeolithic NA Gassiot et al. 2014
EarlyNeolithic NA Gassiot et al. 2014
EarlyNeolithic NA Gassiot et al. 2014
MiddleNeolithic NA Gassiot et al. 2014
postcardial NA NA
MiddleNeolithic NA Gassiot et al. 2014
postcardial NA NA
MiddleNeolithic NA Gassiot et al. 2014
MiddleNeolithic NA Gassiot et al. 2014
MiddleNeolithic NA Gassiot et al. 2014
MiddleNeolithic NA Gassiot et al. 2014
MiddleNeolithic NA Gassiot et al. 2014
LateNeolithic NA Gassiot et al. 2014

Bibliographic reference Bibliographic references

@misc{Gassiot et al. 2014,
  url = {},
  note = {Martínez-Grau, Héctor, Morell-Rovira, Berta, & Antolín, Ferran. (2020). Radiocarbon dates associated to Neolithic contexts (ca. 5900 – 2000 cal BC) from the northwestern Mediterranean Arch to the High Rhine area [Data set]. In Journal of Open Archaeology Data (Vol. 9, Number 1, pp. 1–10). Zenodo.}
{"bibtex_key":"Gassiot et al. 2014","bibtex_type":"misc"}[{"bibtex_key":"AgriChange","bibtex_type":"misc","url":"{}","note":"{Martínez-Grau, Héctor, Morell-Rovira, Berta, & Antolín, Ferran. (2020). Radiocarbon dates associated to Neolithic contexts (ca. 5900 – 2000 cal BC) from the northwestern Mediterranean Arch to the High Rhine area [Data set]. In Journal of Open Archaeology Data (Vol. 9, Number 1, pp. 1–10). Zenodo.}"}]
:bibtex_key: Gassiot et al. 2014
:bibtex_type: :misc
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  :bibtex_type: :misc
  :url: "{}"
  :note: "{Martínez-Grau, Héctor, Morell-Rovira, Berta, & Antolín, Ferran. (2020).
    Radiocarbon dates associated to Neolithic contexts (ca. 5900 – 2000 cal BC) from
    the northwestern Mediterranean Arch to the High Rhine area [Data set]. In Journal
    of Open Archaeology Data (Vol. 9, Number 1, pp. 1–10). Zenodo.}"
