Ginter B. Kozlowski J.K Laville H. Sirakov & Hedges R.E.M. 1996. In: The last neanderthals. Marambat L. 1992. Temnata Cave : Excavations in Karlukovo Karst Area Bulgaria : 101-125

Bibliographic reference Bibliographic reference

@misc{Ginter B. Kozlowski J.K Laville H. Sirakov & Hedges R.E.M. 1996.  In: The last neanderthals. Marambat L. 1992. Temnata Cave : Excavations in Karlukovo Karst Area Bulgaria : 101-125,
{"bibtex_key":"Ginter B. Kozlowski J.K Laville H. Sirakov & Hedges R.E.M. 1996.  In: The last neanderthals. Marambat L. 1992. Temnata Cave : Excavations in Karlukovo Karst Area Bulgaria : 101-125","bibtex_type":"misc"}
:bibtex_key: 'Ginter B. Kozlowski J.K Laville H. Sirakov & Hedges R.E.M. 1996.  In:
  The last neanderthals. Marambat L. 1992. Temnata Cave : Excavations in Karlukovo
  Karst Area Bulgaria : 101-125'
:bibtex_type: :misc

Citing records

There are 15 records in XRONOS that cite this reference.

Site Sites (4)

radiocarbon date Radiocarbon dates (10)

Site Lab ID Context Material Taxon Method Uncalibrated age Calibrated age References
Wojnowo site 2 Gd-2577 charcoal NA NA 12540±120 BP Ginter B. Kozlowski J.K Laville H. Sirakov & Hedges R.E.M. 1996. In: The last neanderthals. Marambat L. 1992. Temnata Cave : Excavations in Karlukovo Karst Area Bulgaria : 101-125 Bird et al. 2022
Temnata Gd-2580 bone NA NA 28900±1100 BP Ginter B. Kozlowski J.K Laville H. Sirakov & Hedges R.E.M. 1996. In: The last neanderthals. Marambat L. 1992. Temnata Cave : Excavations in Karlukovo Karst Area Bulgaria : 101-125 Bird et al. 2022
Temnata Gd-4027 charcoal NA NA 11200±1600 BP Ginter B. Kozlowski J.K Laville H. Sirakov & Hedges R.E.M. 1996. In: The last neanderthals. Marambat L. 1992. Temnata Cave : Excavations in Karlukovo Karst Area Bulgaria : 101-125 Bird et al. 2022
Temnata Gd-4028 NA NA 20100±900 BP Ginter B. Kozlowski J.K Laville H. Sirakov & Hedges R.E.M. 1996. In: The last neanderthals. Marambat L. 1992. Temnata Cave : Excavations in Karlukovo Karst Area Bulgaria : 101-125 Bird et al. 2022
Temnata Gd-4029 charcoal NA NA 19940±800 BP Ginter B. Kozlowski J.K Laville H. Sirakov & Hedges R.E.M. 1996. In: The last neanderthals. Marambat L. 1992. Temnata Cave : Excavations in Karlukovo Karst Area Bulgaria : 101-125 Bird et al. 2022
Temnata Gd-42300 NA NA 22400±900 BP Ginter B. Kozlowski J.K Laville H. Sirakov & Hedges R.E.M. 1996. In: The last neanderthals. Marambat L. 1992. Temnata Cave : Excavations in Karlukovo Karst Area Bulgaria : 101-125 Bird et al. 2022
Temnata Gd-4232 bone NA NA 23400±1600 BP Ginter B. Kozlowski J.K Laville H. Sirakov & Hedges R.E.M. 1996. In: The last neanderthals. Marambat L. 1992. Temnata Cave : Excavations in Karlukovo Karst Area Bulgaria : 101-125 Bird et al. 2022
Skalistyj Skalistoye Skalisty OxA-5168 charcoal NA NA 14880±180 BP Ginter B. Kozlowski J.K Laville H. Sirakov & Hedges R.E.M. 1996. In: The last neanderthals. Marambat L. 1992. Temnata Cave : Excavations in Karlukovo Karst Area Bulgaria : 101-125 Bird et al. 2022
Sproughton Devil's Wood Pit OxA-517 bone Coelodonta antiquitatis Linty NA NA 10910±150 BP Ginter B. Kozlowski J.K Laville H. Sirakov & Hedges R.E.M. 1996. In: The last neanderthals. Marambat L. 1992. Temnata Cave : Excavations in Karlukovo Karst Area Bulgaria : 101-125 Bird et al. 2022
Temnata OxA-5170 charred (mostly charcoal) NA NA 38800±1700 BP Ginter B. Kozlowski J.K Laville H. Sirakov & Hedges R.E.M. 1996. In: The last neanderthals. Marambat L. 1992. Temnata Cave : Excavations in Karlukovo Karst Area Bulgaria : 101-125 Bird et al. 2022


Record created in XRONOS on 2022-12-02 00:55:33 UTC. Last updated on 2022-12-02 00:55:33 UTC. See changelog for details.
Contributors: XRONOS development team
