EUROEVOL-Sample:2191; Malone, C., Stoddart, S., Barker, G., Clark, G., Coltorti, M., Costantini, L., Giorgi, J., Harding, J., Hunt, C., Reynolds, T. and Skeates, R., 1992. The neolithic site of San Marco, Gubbio (Perugia), Umbria: survey and excavation 1985-7. Papers of the British School at Rome, pp.1-69.

Bibliographic reference Bibliographic reference

@misc{EUROEVOL-Sample:2191; Malone, C., Stoddart, S., Barker, G., Clark, G., Coltorti, M., Costantini, L., Giorgi, J., Harding, J., Hunt, C., Reynolds, T. and Skeates, R., 1992. The neolithic site of San Marco, Gubbio (Perugia), Umbria: survey and excavation 1985-7. Papers of the British School at Rome, pp.1-69.,
{"bibtex_key":"EUROEVOL-Sample:2191; Malone, C., Stoddart, S., Barker, G., Clark, G., Coltorti, M., Costantini, L., Giorgi, J., Harding, J., Hunt, C., Reynolds, T. and Skeates, R., 1992. The neolithic site of San Marco, Gubbio (Perugia), Umbria: survey and excavation 1985-7. Papers of the British School at Rome, pp.1-69.","bibtex_type":"misc"}
:bibtex_key: 'EUROEVOL-Sample:2191; Malone, C., Stoddart, S., Barker, G., Clark, G.,
  Coltorti, M., Costantini, L., Giorgi, J., Harding, J., Hunt, C., Reynolds, T. and
  Skeates, R., 1992. The neolithic site of San Marco, Gubbio (Perugia), Umbria: survey
  and excavation 1985-7. Papers of the British School at Rome, pp.1-69.'
:bibtex_type: :misc

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