Radiocarbon dates

Showing 350190 radiocarbon dates.

Site Lab ID Context Material Taxon Method Uncalibrated age Calibrated age References
Almeida /c14s/166494 Nine patches of dark earth (potential house floors) aligned. NA NA 930±100 BP 1055–672 cal BP Pallestrini 1975
El Naranjito (SCHaSaf-10-1) /c14s/166500 Fauna NA NA 930±30 BP 917–775 cal BP Caggiano 1995
Deus me Livre 2 (PA-AT-23) /c14s/166510 ADE site. NA NA 925±55 BP 929–727 cal BP Corrêa 2014
Campus da UNIFAP (AP-MA-05) /c14s/166525 Funerary area with 1 ha extension and 31 urns. NA NA 920±30 BP 915–740 cal BP Saldanha 2016
Isla Rodeo /c14s/166538 Forest island with habitation mound surrounded by radiating roads and raised fields. Excavations revealed domestic debris. NA NA 915±25 BP 911–742 cal BP Erickson 2000
Urubici /c14s/166544 NA NA 910±200 BP 1265–540 cal BP Piazza 1966
Fazenda Marrecas IV /c14s/166584 NA NA 890±180 BP 1177–544 cal BP Parellada 2005
Topo do Guararema /c14s/166585 Large site with abundant ceramic debris, activity areas with hearths, stone ovens and patches of baked clay. Charcoal NA NA 890±70 BP 921–685 cal BP SCIENTIA 2010
Grande do Una /c14s/166586 Shellmound with burial pits containing disarticulated human remains, adornments and fauna. NA NA 890±90 BP 955–672 cal BP Guimarães 2007
El Naranjito (SCHaSaf-10-1) /c14s/166597 Fauna NA NA 890±30 BP 905–728 cal BP Caggiano 1995
Alcobaça /c14s/166599 Rock shelter with burials, including primary cremations in pits, accompanied by ceramics, macro-botanical remains and woven fibres. NA NA 888±25 BP 903–729 cal BP Nascimento 2001
Ahuano /c14s/166600 Group burial with 8 funerary urns. NA NA 885±85 BP 955–671 cal BP Porras 1987
Euclides Granzoto (SC-AG-107) /c14s/166612 Pit house site with 9 structures (largest diameter 7 m). Some of the pits were bell-shaped. Charcoal NA NA 880±70 BP 916–685 cal BP Müller 2007
Ipiranga (RO-JI-23b) /c14s/166614 NA NA 880±60 BP 912–689 cal BP Miller 2009
Topo do Guararema /c14s/166635 Large site with abundant ceramic debris, activity areas with hearths, stone ovens and patches of baked clay. Charcoal NA NA 860±60 BP 909–679 cal BP SCIENTIA 2010
Pata-1 /c14s/166646 Platform. NA NA 860±120 BP 1051–558 cal BP Echeverría 1999
Angical /c14s/166667 NA NA 845±50 BP 904–673 cal BP Corrêa 2014
Carcará /c14s/166720 Small pit house with 4 m diameter. NA NA 810±30 BP 771–675 cal BP A LASCA 2016
Caieira (LGA-007) /c14s/166741 Reoccupation of shell mound. Four house floors surrounded by post holes. NA NA 795±95 BP 919–557 cal BP Hurt 1974
Deus me Livre 2 (PA-AT-23) /c14s/166742 ADE site. NA NA 795±90 BP 915–561 cal BP Corrêa 2014